Certified Humane Asia
When you see the Certified Humane® logo on a product you can be assured that the food products come from operations that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment.
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How to get started with Certified Humane®?
The Program Policy Manual presents a detailed description of the certification process, inspections, rights and duties of all Certified Operators, conflict resolution and all procedures related to the animal welfare certification of the Certified Humane® program.
Click below to fill out a brief form telling us about your business.
Sign up to receive our exclusive 8-part information on Do´s series to become a Certified Humane Egg Operation.
The second edition of this handbook serves as a guide on the behavioral profile inherent to laying hens.
Learn how to optimize and diversify the management methods you adopt in raising cage-free hens!
Animal Care & Slaughter Standards
Operations involving the slaughter of beef cattle, pigs and sheep are also subject to the standards established by Dr. Temple Grandin, member of our Scientific Committee, in the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) guidelines.
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Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading international certification organization focused on improving the lives of animals raised for food production from birth to slaughter. HFAC is responsible for the Certified Humane Program.